Wynonna Earp: Charlotte Sullivan on that Fun Finale Guest Spot

While most of the Wynonna Earp Season 4 finale was spent attending the WayHaught wedding, at its core, the show is still a supernatural western. That meant that before Wynonna (Melanie Scrofano) and Doc (Tim Rozon) could ride off into the sunset together, they first had to make sure WayHaught’s nuptials were successful after a Ms. Brigitte Hogback (Charlotte Sullivan) tried to sabotage everything. Thankfully, in the end, Waverly (Dominique Provost-Chalkley) figured out the key to stopping Brigitte and everything with the wedding went off as planned.

Sullivan, who played Gail Peck for six seasons on Rookie Blue, recently chatted with The TV Junkies about her finale guest spot. She shared the inspiration behind some of Brigitte’s more quirky traits and previewed her role on the new series Law & Order: Organized Crime, airing Thursdays at 10 p.m. on NBC and Citytv. Sullivan also told us how coming to Wynonna meant a chance at a couple of reunions for her. First up was Scrofano, an old friend with whom she previously co-starred with in the movie Citizen Gangster. Secondly, Sullivan has also remained great friends with current Wynonna Earp writer Noelle Carbone after Carbone’s work on Rookie Blue

Sullivan wasn’t the only one excited about reuniting, either. Scrofano recently told The TV Junkies why she was so thrilled to once again act alongside Sullivan on Wynonna. “What I love most about Charlotte is that the way I read Madame Brigitte was totally different from what she did. My favorite thing about her is how her mind works and how brave she is. What other people would consider too out there, she considers perfectly right. She’s courageous and brilliant.” Scrofano also said that she “really needed her there,” filming the finale. “It was such an emotional episode, not just the episode itself, but also the context that this may be the end. To have her there, and her spirit and energy, it was exactly what I needed and it just lifted me up so much. It was perfect.”

The TV Junkies: Over the many seasons of Wynonna Earp, some fans would have called it a dream for you to guest star. Melanie Scrofano even said you were her dream guest star when asked at one fan convention.
Charlotte Sullivan: That’s so sweet and she’s just the best. I paid her. 

TTVJ: See, I thought I was the one that paid her to say that. [laughs] How did the opportunity to come in for the finale of Season 4 come about?
CS: I feel so lucky because I know Noelle and she’s such a dear friend. It was presented to me and I said, ‘Of course! 100%!’ It was the middle of COVID and I wasn’t doing anything. It was such a lovely little offering. I was only disappointed that it was just one day and such a tease. I was so dying to see Melanie and be with her, and then I wasn’t sure if I was allowed to hug her. But the director said, ‘You’ve all been tested,’ so I just ran into her arms. I miss that girl. It was such a lovely surprise, and the sad part was just that it was so quick. 

Despite all of that, I wasn’t sure what to do with the role. I remember texting Melanie asking ‘how big can I go?’ She said ‘Go for it!’ I was just playing with things and my inspiration was Carol Kane and Jennifer Coolidge. She is my dream girl.

TTVJ: Well, the voice and singing of the lines were definitely some strong choices for the character, and it felt like Melanie and Tim were quite amused in the scenes with you.
CS: I had to tell her so many times, ‘Melanie, stop it! I have to focus!’ She’s just a magical little fairy who makes it challenging because I break so easily. I laugh at everything, so for me, that was probably the most challenging part. I couldn’t look at her. It did help that I had the veil in front of my face so I could hide. 

TTVJ: Tim seemed to be the one keeping it together the most.
CS: He’s a consummate professional at all times, and I am not, obviously. The other thing is that I had COVID in April and I lost my singing voice. My voice in Wynonna is so bad, crackly, and weird and I’m going to say that was my choice. [laughs]

TTVJ: Speaking of COVID, a lot of people may have been hesitant to take on a role during the pandemic. Were you really just like, ‘Finally, it’s warm in Calgary. Let’s do this’?
CS: I was a little nervous, I won’t lie, because it was my first gig back and I wasn’t sure how it’d all go down. But then because I already had it, I felt a little safe, and their protocols were very meticulous. You’re getting tested everyday, right? So you feel safe, especially if you have to do any intimate scenes, but that was not this at all.

TTVJ: Either that or those scenes didn’t make the cut.
CS: Melanie and I’s love scene is somewhere. It was very erotic, I’ll let you know. [laughs] If only…I’d be so lucky!

TTVJ: Season 5! Season 5! Season 5!
CS: Yes, Bridget, you’re planting the seeds. Yes! Season 5, that’s the plan.

Any time I play a character I always feel like I want to play her gay, even if it’s not what they told me. I play her that way anyway. I don’t care if she has a husband. I don’t care! That’s kind of just my thing and so, in the back of my head, I was full on hitting on Melanie. [laughs]

TTVJ: So that crazy singing is just your wooing technique? Again, a very strong choice.
CS: [laughs] Do you think I’d get a second date? Do you think I’d get a rose? I’m not sure, she’s got her hands full. 

TTVJ: In addition to you knowing Melanie, your husband, Peter Stebbings, directed a few episodes back in Season 1 of Wynonna. Did he give you any tips or have anything to say about you being a part of the show now?
CS: He was just jealous I got to be with Melanie! He thinks she’s the most insanely talented human being. I’m not just saying that. She really is such a sweetheart and just a weirdo in the most refreshing way. 

TTVJ: Well he had to direct when it was absolutely freezing out. You got to be there in summer.
CS: The acting those kids have had to do in the freezing weather, I don’t know how they’ve done it. It’s a different kind of cold. I’m such a baby. I remember on Rookie Blue I had to arrest someone and my mouth was frozen. They had to throw a heating pack on my face. Melanie has also had to do such emotional stuff on that show. Just imagine what she’d do if she was warm? [laughs] Dammit man, she’s got to get a Golden Globe. Come on, people, why are you so late to the party? Where is this Academy? Can I talk to them?

So yes, he was jealous and he should be. I just wish it was more! It wasn’t a lot of days so I was sad that it was only one day.

TTVJ: I know you’re not on social media, but there are many fans who are going to be thrilled that you’re now a part of the Earp world. Would you ever be open to something like coming to a convention?
CS: Only for them! Only for Earpers and the gay community. That’d be my only reason to say yes. 100%! I also feel like nobody would care that I was there.

TTVJ: Lies! And if Wynonna doesn’t return for Season 5 then we just have Noelle start pitching a show with you and Melanie as leads. Come on, Noelle!
CS: Seriously, come on, Noelle. Get to work!

TTVJ: I guess she’s pretty busy working on both Wynonna and Coroner right now, but also, come on.
CS: Whatever. ‘Oooh, so busy with all my shows, wife, and children.’ Come on!

TTVJ: Give us the gay show with Melanie and Charlotte as leads that we all deserve, Noelle.
CS: That’s what we’re calling it, the Make that Gay show. [laughs] I love her so much. She’s so quick and one of the smartest people. Her brain is wild and I’m very impressed with that chick.

TTVJ: Even though you have a very impressive resume and have been a part of some really successful shows and movies, I don’t think we’ve seen you play a lot of genre roles. What was it like getting to switch it up a bit and dip your toe briefly into the genre world?
CS: I originally had asked if I could have black teeth. I thought it’d be funny if I looked really messed up because Melanie’s character says something like ‘Oh man, you’re a solid 10/10’. I just thought it’d be funny if I had black teeth, but apparently they already had something that had black teeth. So they said no and I thought, ‘Dammit!’ I just thought it would be so funny if she said I was beautiful and I smiled with gross teeth. 

TTVJ: So you’ve never been on a show where they had too many people with black teeth. Sorry! We all have our unique problems.
CS: [laughs] Oh, it’s champagne problems. That’s the type of show you want to be on though when they say, ‘We have too many people with black teeth.’

TTVJ: You have a recurring role on the new Law & Order spinoff, Organized Crime, starring Christopher Meloni. Can you tell us about that opportunity and the character you’re playing there?
CS: I don’t know if they’ll murder me so I can’t say much, but it is so different from me. When I found out that I would be doing it, I was on the way to the post office to deliver Valentine’s with my kid. I missed my exit twice because I was so shocked by it. I was stunned and silent. A normal reaction would be flipping out, but I had no words and didn’t know where the post office I go to weekly was. 

All I can say is that she is so extremely far-removed from me. There’s no Charlotte in this role. That’s all I’ll tell you. They are going for a very gritty and raw version. There’s one thing in this that will make you laugh so hard, but I have to save it for later. My only clue is “GIANT”. That’s all I’m going to say, just insanely giant!

Law & Order: Organized Crime airs Thursdays at 10 p.m. ET on NBC and Citytv.